With the start of every New Year our MEMBERSHIP DRIVE begins. We extend our sincere thanks to everyone that has supported the Center by being a member.
Membership is our main source of income and helps maintain our facilities and support our activities.
Please support the Center by becoming a member:
Membership cards will be distributed at the annual Membership dinner (TBD) (or will be mailed if you cannot attend).
We also are looking for individuals to help with activities at the Center. If you’re interested in donating some time to the Slovenian Cultural Center please give us a call or come to our monthly meetings, every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Your donation of time is priceless to us!
Vaša pomoč v kulturnem centru je zelo cenjena! Stem da plačate letno članarino in postanete aktiven član centra boste veliko pripomogli naši slovenski skupnosti. V centru se zbiramo ob veselih in žalostnih trenutkih in si stisnemo roke, to je dom združenja, in prijatelstva.