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Slovenian Catholic Center

prekmurje social club

This is a charitable organization begun in the 1920’s at the former St. Stephen parish. Its focus has been helping immigrants adjust to life in America.

The Social in the title refers to dealing with social problems. This organization has helped people find shelter, provide aid for clothing and food, sought jobs for people and helped poor people any way it could. This remains one of the largest organizations in the parish. It provides the greatest number of volunteers for the various work that is done for the Parish and the Monastery in general.

The members of this organization provided tens of thousands of hours of volunteer hours in the construction of the Center. They also donated significant funds for the purchase of materials to construct the Center. They still contribute a significant amount of time and money for the maintenance of both the parish and its center. The organization sponsors religious pilgrimages to religious sites in the USA and Canada. They were a major donor for the Bell Tower that was erected in 2005 for the Monastery.

Aside from the time and money they contribute to maintaining the buildings on the Monastery property, they make an annual contribution to the Slovenian Catholic Mission.

President: Robert Hozjan 


Telephone: 1.708.529.MURA